UE MMT Wheel
Wheel entries:
- Scapular Elevation MMT
- Scapular Adduction MMT
- Scapular Depression and Adduction MMT
- Scapular Abduction and Upward Rotation MMT
- Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation MMT
- Shoulder E, Ad, IR (Teres Major) MMT
- Shoulder E, Ad, IR (Lats) MMT
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (pec major- sternal) MMT
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (pec major- clavicular) MMT
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (anterior delt) MMT
- Shoulder Abduction MMT
- Shoulder Horizontal abduction MMT
- Shoulder External Rotation MMT
- Shoulder Internal Rotation
- Elbow Flexion (biceps) MMT
- Elbow Flexion (brachioradialis) MMT
- Elbow Flexion (brachialis) MMT
- Elbow Extension MMT
- Supination MMTPronation MMT
- Wrist Flexion (FCR) MMT
- Wirst Flexion (FCU) MMT
- Wrist Extension (ECR) MMT
- Wrist Extension (ECU) MMT
- Scapular Elevation MMT- anti-gravity
- Scapular Adduction MMT- anti-gravity
- Scapular Depression and Adduction MMT- anti-gravity
- Scapular Abduction and Upward Rotation MMT- anti-gravity
- Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder E, Ad, IR (Lats) MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (pec major- sternal) MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (pec major- clavicular) MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder horizontal adduction (anterior delt) MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder Abduction MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder Horizontal abduction MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder External Rotation MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder Internal Rotation- anti-gravity
- Elbow Flexion (biceps) MMT- anti-gravity
- Elbow Flexion (brachioradialis) MMT- anti-gravity
- Elbow Flexion (brachialis) MMT- anti-gravity
- Elbow Extension MMT- anti-gravity
- Supination MMT- anti-gravity
- Pronation MMT- anti-gravity
- Wrist Flexion (FCR) MMT- anti-gravity
- Wrist Flexion (FCU) MMT- anti-gravity
- Wrist Extension (ECR) MMT- anti-gravity
- Wrist Extension (ECU) MMT- anti-gravity
- Shoulder flexion- complex AROM
- Shoulder flexion- glenohumeral PROM
- Shoulder extension PROM
- Shoulder abduction- complex AROM
- Shoulder abduction- glenohumeral
- PROM Shoulder internal rotation
- PROM Shoulder external rotation
- AROM Elbow flexion
- PROMElbow extension
- AROMSupination
- AROMPronation
- PROMWrist flexion
- PROMWrist extension
- AROMWrist radial deviation
- AROMWrist ulnar deviation
- Biceps Reflex
- Brachioradialis Reflex
- Triceps Reflex
- Hoffman’s
- Inverted supinator sign
- Brachial pulse
- Radial pulse
- Pitting EdemaCircumference
- Figure-of-eight
- C2-6 light touch sensation
- C6-T2 light touch sensation
April Showers
Argentina = 2
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